What Is Inpatient Drug Rehab?

If you're ready to begin therapy for substance abuse, you'll find you have to make a few essential decisions about your treatment. Most addiction rehabilitation programs can be placed into one of two categories: outpatient or inpatient. Both types of treatment have their merits, and it's important to understand the difference between them before you start researching addiction treatment centers.

An inpatient rehab program may be as short as 28 or 30 days, or it may be as long as 90 days--the length of treatment will depend on your specific needs and circumstances.

What to Expect

Most often, after they’ve gotten a room and been given a tour of the facility, the new patient will undergo an assessment with one of the lead staff members. This is meant to help the physicians and other staff members understand why the patient is there, what kind of physiological effects the patient may have due to withdrawals, and to let the patient know that everything possible is going to be done to make sure they receive the best care possible.

Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

One of the major benefits of checking into an inpatient treatment center is that the staff can observe the patient 24/7 and adjust the needed care accordingly, and this is important because often time addiction comes with co-occurring psychological disorders. It’s this attention to the whole psychological makeup of the individual that makes facilities like inpatient treatment centers different from other conventional rehabilitation programs.

12-Step Support

The patient may also choose to work some type of 12-step program where they can build a peer support network. This can help them through the therapeutic process and form a sense of community that offers real-world support. It’s one thing to have doctors and therapists tell you that something is wrong. It’s another thing to have your peers express their anxieties and fears to you, and for you to share those same things with them.

Perhaps the biggest benefit to being at an inpatient treatment center – apart from not being able to get drugs or alcohol – is the holistic approach to healing the patient. The physical, spiritual, and mental components of the person are taken into account as a whole and the patient is treated with a combination of approaches that addresses these three interlinked facets of a human’s personality and being.

While in the Residential program, each client has the opportunity to be involved in:

  • Individual therapy with an expert mental health professional
  • Group therapy and support
  • Family therapy (including Intensive Family Weekend)
  • Medication management
  • Educational groups
  • Recreation and expressive therapy
  • 12-Step recovery
  • Relapse prevention and life skills groups
  • Daily contribution to the community
  • Specialty treatment for psychological trauma and other issues as needed

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Inpatient Vs. Outpatient Rehab

Inpatient programs are best if followed by an outpatient addiction treatment program. Inpatient programs are more involved but are sometimes a much better fit for someone struggling with certain types of addiction. It can depend on the length of their substance misuse as well as their likelihood of relapse. If you would like more information about inpatient programs, we have contacts in with top programs in which we can refer you to.

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The Adjustments Family Services Treatment Centers Outpatient Staff

Tom Whiting
McKay Whiting
Antonio Troisi
Kevan Rothman
Meet the Team

Where we're Located

Adjustments Family Services Treatment Center

3010 E Los Angeles Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93065

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