Alcohol Rehab

If an alcohol addiction is disrupting your life or the life of a loved one, consider getting professional help from Adjustments Family Services alcohol rehab in Los Angeles. Alcoholism can so quickly ruin relationships and take over someone’s life, yet many people refuse to seek rehab at a drug alcohol treatment center because of fear or the uncertainty of making such a big commitment.

Our alcohol rehabilitation program helps alcoholics get past their fear and uncertainty and takes them through the entire recovery process at our luxury rehab facilities.

Withdrawing from alcohol dependence can be dangerous, and no one should attempt it without first consulting experienced professionals. After the individual has detoxed from alcohol, it is usually necessary for them to go through an alcohol rehab program to live a sober life again. At Adjustments Family Services, our addiction treatment programs consist of an outpatient and alumni program for long-term care.

The Prevalence of Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is a chronic, relapsing disease, but long-term recovery is possible with the correct treatment. Addiction treatment professionals can evaluate your drinking behavior and help you define the goals you hope to accomplish in your recovery. Armed with this information, they will be able to develop an appropriate treatment plan for you.  Before moving forward with your treatment, it can be helpful to understand the various stages of the rehab process: overcoming denial, detoxification, active treatment and relapse prevention.


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that rates of teen drinking were at historic lows in 2011, which seems to indicate that fewer teens are choosing to drink before they’re of legal age to do so.3 This could be good news, as the adolescent mind is growing and changing at an astonishing rate, and as a result, that brain might be at a greater risk of developing an addiction than an adult brain. However, adults are still reporting very high rates of alcohol addiction, with the U.S. National Library of Medicine reporting that nearly 17.6 million American adults are alcoholics or have alcohol-related problems.4 It’s clear that, for adults, alcohol remains a huge issue and alcoholism often results from casual alcohol use.

While anyone can develop an addiction to alcoholism, the Mayo Clinic reports that people in the following groups have a higher-than-average risk:

  • Those who started drinking at an early age
  • Those who have a parent or a close relative with alcoholism
  • Those who live with alcoholics
  • Those who take drugs while drinking alcohol4

In addition, some mental illnesses might make the risk of addiction slightly larger. In a study published in the Journal of Affected Disorders, researchers found that both men and women who had a history of anxiety or depression were at a greater risk of developing alcoholism when compared to people who did not have these mental illnesses.1 It’s not clear whether the mental illnesses came first, or if the addictions caused changes that led to mental illness, but the link seems both strong and clear.

A Dangerous Pattern

For many people with alcoholism, getting started is the hardest part of the journey to recovery. You need to move past the denial and negative thinking that accompany the disease and develop the desire to begin treatment. Not every addicted person fits the classic image of an alcoholic whose life is falling apart. You may be holding down a successful job and maintaining good relationships with your family and friends, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem.

Alcohol abuse means that the person may not be physically dependent on alcohol, but it is causing problems in their life. Alcohol abuse is one of the early warning signs that a person is heading toward alcohol dependence and alcoholism.

If you’ve lost control over your drinking, it’s only a matter of time until your alcohol abuse catches up to you. Don’t wait until you destroy your health, relationships or career: we can help you break the cycle before it’s too late.

Heavy drinking can have extensive effects on the brain that last long beyond the buzz left behind by alcohol. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, heavy alcohol use can shrink and disturb brain tissue. This can cause minor slips in memory, and those changes may be reversible with abstinence from alcohol, but these changes can also lead to long-term damage.4 Some people develop significant motor control problems, as well as memory deficits, due to long-term alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can also cause the following deficiencies:

  • Cardiomyopathy, or a weakening of the heart muscle
  • Strokes
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver damage

All of this damage put together could mean a person with alcoholism could lose his/her life to the disease. It’s a problem that happens all too often. According to the World Health Organization, alcohol is responsible for four percent of the global burden of disease, meaning that it almost matches the burden imposed by high blood pressure or tobacco use.5 Alcoholism, if left untreated, could lead to premature death.

Mixing Alcohol with Drugs

People who abuse prescription medications and street drugs often consume alcohol in an effort to enhance effects or manage withdrawal symptoms. The effects of alcohol differ widely depending on other substances in the system. For example, when alcohol is combined with stimulants, the two drugs compete with each other and put the central nervous system under great pressure. In contrast, when people drink alcohol in combination with other depressants, the system can slow down to such an extent that overdose occurs. Combining alcohol with opiates or sedatives is an incredibly dangerous practice, with the physical effects of CNS depressants accumulating in an exponential fashion. Using multiple depressants at the same time can slow respiration rates, affect heart rhythm patterns, and even lead to death through overdose.

Are You Addicted?

It can be hard to tell if you or someone you love has a drinking problem. Denial is common, and the line between acceptable and excessive drinking isn’t always clear. A problem drinker may not have a true alcohol addiction at the moment, but their risk of dependence grows with every passing day. If you or a loved one display some of the following signs, it’s probably time to research alcohol rehab facilities and get help:

1. You’re lying about your drinking: When your drinking has gotten out of control, it’s common to drink in secret or lie about the amount you drink.

2. You’re using alcohol as a crutch: People who suffer from addiction almost always abuse drugs or alcohol to deal with negative feelings. This behavior is risky– drinking only provides short-term relief and ultimately makes your problems worse.

3. You experience blackouts: Drinking to the point that you can’t remember things that happened is a clear “red flag” that signifies a problem. If you’re blacking out regularly, your drinking has gotten out of hand.

4. You can’t stop once you start: Do you find yourself always finishing off a bottle of wine after you open it, or can you stop after a drink or two? Being unable to stop is another sign of a problem, because it means you’ve lost control over your drinking habits.

5. You’re drinking at times when you shouldn’t: One key sign of an alcohol problem is drinking at times when you risk dangerous consequences–when you need to drive, when you’re on a medication that doesn’t mix well with alcohol, or when you need to go to work. If you’re willing to take the risks that accompany this behavior, it’s a sign that alcohol is controlling your life.

6. You’re slacking off on responsibilities: When alcohol begins to interfere with your day-to-day obligations, such as school, work or household chores, it’s a clear sign that you have a problem.

7. Your relationships are suffering: When alcohol becomes the top priority in your life, it takes a toll on your relationships with friends, family members and significant others. Being able to recognize that drinking has become more important than your closest relationships is a key step toward alcohol addiction recovery: Once you can admit that your drinking is out of control, you can take the next step and get the help you need.

8. Your tolerance has increased: One of the hallmark signs of alcoholism is increased tolerance. If you find you can drink more than you did in the past, or if you need to drink a lot more to experience the desired effects, it’s time to locate alcohol addiction centers near you and check out their treatment plans.

9. You’re having withdrawal symptoms: When your body becomes dependent on alcohol, you start to feel uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when you haven’t had a drink. You might feel anxious, tired or irritable if you try to go without drinking; shakiness and sleep difficulties are also common withdrawal symptoms.

10. You’re unable to quit: If you’ve tried to cut back or stop drinking altogether without success, you may be struggling with alcohol addiction. There’s no need to deal with this by yourself: Treatment at a rehab facility can help you turn your life around.

Alcohol Rehab at Adjustments Family Services Treatment Center

If you’ve experienced a few or more of these warning signs, it’s likely that your drinking has become a problem.  Making the decision to get help is never easy, but alcohol addiction treatment can help you turn your life around.  With the right treatment plan, you can break free from the addiction of alcohol and start a healthy new life.

If you believe that alcoholism is an issue in your life, we can help. At Adjustments Family Services Treatment Center, we have an extensive staff with experience in alcohol addiction. We keep our ratio of patients to staff quite low, so we can focus on the needs of everyone in our care. We also utilize a customized approach, ensuring that all treatment is designed to help people with the specific problems they face. Our treatments can help you deal not only with the addiction, but also any mental or emotional conditions that led to substance use in the first place.

If you or someone you know is in need of treatment for alcoholism, contact Adjustments Family Services at our toll-free helpline.
Our caring admissions coordinators are there to take your call 24 hours a day and answer any questions you have about the treatment process, financing and logistics. Please call 805.210.8448 now.
Further Reading
  • 5 Questions to Ask Admissions before Entering Rehab
  • How Long Do Alcohol Rehab Programs Last?
  • Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Centers