How Long Do Alcohol Rehab Programs Last?

Alcoholism is a chronic, relapsing disease, but long-term recovery is possible with the correct treatment. Addiction treatment professionals can evaluate your drinking behavior and help you define the goals you hope to accomplish in your recovery. Armed with this information, they will be able to develop an appropriate treatment plan for you. Before moving forward with your treatment, it can be helpful to understand the various stages of the rehab process: overcoming denial, detoxification, active treatment and relapse prevention.

Conquering Alcoholism: Overcoming Denial

For many people with alcoholism, getting started is the hardest part of the journey to recovery. You need to move past the denial and destructive thinking that accompany the disease and develop the desire to begin treatment. Not every addicted person fits the classic image of an alcoholic whose life is falling apart. You may be holding down a successful job and maintaining good relationships with your family and friends, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem.

Alcohol abuse means that the person may not be physically dependent on alcohol, but it is causing problems in their life. Alcohol abuse is one of the early warning signs that a person is heading toward alcohol dependence and alcoholism.

If you’ve lost control over your drinking, it’s only a matter of time until your alcohol abuse catches up to you. Don’t wait until you destroy your health, relationships or career: An alcohol treatment center like Adjustments Family Services can help you break the cycle before it’s too late.

Active Treatment for Alcohol Misuse

Adjustments Family Services alcohol treatment programs incorporate multiple therapies in order to get to the bottom of our residents’ alcohol dependence and help them understand the root causes of why they are drinking. Our highly individualized approach offers a variety of different therapies. In addition to more traditional methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we offer music and psycho-drama therapies which help our clients express themselves in ways that may be more comfortable for them. Approaches like nutrition and yoga help the individual create a healthy balance in their life.

Addiction treatment experts agree that the longer you stay in treatment, the more likely that you will successfully maintain your sobriety. The first months of recovery are critical, and you’ll probably find yourself relying on support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous to stay on track toward long-term sobriety.  These groups can be a valuable source of encouragement and motivation, and they also provide opportunities to meet like-minded people who have faced similar challenges with alcoholism.

Relapse Prevention

Once you’re comfortable with the skills and strategies you learned in rehab, you’ll enter the final stage of your recovery, which is maintenance. By the time you enter this phase, you’ve had the chance to use your relapse-prevention skills to stay sober in difficult situations. Ongoing participation in support groups and 12-step programs can help you maintain your sobriety; in fact, Alcoholics Anonymous and similar groups encourage members to continue attending meetings for the rest of their lives.

Finding Help for Alcohol Abuse

Don’t waste time struggling with alcohol dependency on your own. Our experts at Adjustments Family Services Treatment Center are trained and experienced and can find the right treatment for each person. Take the first step in getting sober by calling us here at Adjustments Family Services Treatment Center today.

1 “Alcohol Facts and Statistics.” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. June 2017. Accessed 13 November 2017.

2 “What Are the Treatments for Alcohol Use Disorder?” WebMD, WebMD. Accessed 13 November 2017.